Welcome to the Family Medicine / Primary Care Census!
To have an accurate census, every family doctor and nurse practitioner with patients in Toronto must be counted! Ensure that you and your practice are counted in this census. This will take 20-30 minutes to complete.
What's in it for you?
Be part of a primary care workforce needs assessment in Toronto.
Ensure that money flows to your neighborhood according to its needs.
Be part of a collaborative effort to strengthen family medicine in Toronto.
Who should participate?
All Family Doctors or Nurse Practitioners with patients in Toronto.
How is the data governed?
The DFCM has partnered with EMPOWER Health, to handle the database design and architecture, and to ensure necessary security measures are in place.
A dedicated advisory table will oversee the governance and use of the data to ensure alignment with regional health priorities and fair, transparent decision-making.
The long-term vision is for this data to be stored and managed centrally through the Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in Ontario Health Teams (OHTs), ensuring sustainable, regional oversight and streamlined access for planning and operational purposes.
For more information, visit our project page: http://primarycarecensus.ca and Terms of Use.
How will your information be protected?
The data platform & census are designed to ensure rigorous protocols for secure data management while maintaining transparency and privacy. Data will be stored securely, with encryption and other industry-standard security measures in place to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.
Future plans for this work
This is the first iteration of the Family Medicine/Primary Care Census, and we recognize that it has limitations in its current state. Thank you for your feedback and patience as we embark on this important initiative.
If you have any questions, contact: [email protected]
Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this important work!
Catherine L. Yu, MD, FCFP (Project Co-Lead)
Chief and Program Medical Director of Family and Community Medicine, MGH
Assistant Professor and Engagement Lead, DFCM Office of Health System Partnerships,
Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
Noah Ivers MD PhD CCFP (Project Co-Lead)
Clinician Scientist, Women's College Hospital
Interim Vice Chair of the Quality & Innovation Program
Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto